Bob books. Collection 1, Beginning readers and advancing beginners

text Bob books. Collection 1, Beginning readers and advancing beginners

Master teacher Bobby Lynn Maslen taught kindergarden for 13 years. She developed Bob Books to guide children's earliest steps into reading. These carefully graduated books introduce reading sounds progressively. They enhance the joy of learning th... Read more
1. Mat -- 2. Sam -- 3. Dot -- 4. Mac -- 5. Dot and Mit -- 6. Dot and the dog -- 7. Jig and Mag -- 8. Muff and Ruff -- 9. 10 cut-ups -- 10. Peg and Ted -- 11. Lad and the fat cat -- 12. The vet -- 13. Fun in the sun -- 14. Up, pup -- 15. Pip and Po... Read more
19 volumes : color illustrations ; 20 cm
Scholastic Inc. 2007

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Kingsley Branch Library JBR ORANGE MAS in Beginning Readers - Pre-Reader (Orange) Available

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