Birding backpack

three dimensional object Birding backpack

Welcome to the world of birding! By borrowing this backpack, you’re embarking on an adventure in birding that may lead you tonearby and faraway places, at all times of year. You’ll be amazed at the feathered marvels around us, and you might just f... Read more
1 adult binoculars w/case and lens caps -- 1 child binoculars with case -- 1 air blower -- 2 microfiber cloths -- 1 lens cleaning solution -- 1 field guide for adults -- 1 field guide for kids -- 1 birding 101 foldout -- 1 Empire area birding map ... Read more
three dimensional object
1 backpack (plus accesories) : cloth, metal, plastic ; in bag
Traverse Area District Library

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Woodmere (Main Branch) Birding backpack in Equipment Reshelving
Woodmere (Main Branch) Birding backpack in Equipment Available

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