Last man standing. The complete sixth season

moving image Last man standing. The complete sixth season

Mike Baxter, the straight-talking champion of common sense in a politically correct world. Mike will need that common sense to help guide his family through the many changes in store this year at home and at work. Vanessa, who last season traded a... Read more
Disc one. Papa bear ; Gameday forecast: showers ; Where there's smoke, there's fire ; Boyd will be Boyd ; Trick or treat ; A new place for one of our people ; Bridezilla vs. the Baxters -- Disc two. My father the car ; Precious snowflakes ; Help w... Read more
moving image
3 videodiscs (approximately 476 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2018

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Kingsley Branch Library DVD TV La 6 in Digital Video Disc Available

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