
Summary: What do the Chrysler Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, the film Destination Moon and America's space program all have in common? They were each touched by the creative talents of a forgotten artist named Chesley Bonestell (1888-1986). Told by the people who were influenced by or knew him personally, and punctuated with rare interview footage of Bonestell himself, this award-winning documentary...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Dms Production Services, Inc. 2018

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1 available in Documentary DVDs, Call number: DVD DOC CHE

Summary: A botanist has spent three years aboard the space freighter "Valley Forge" preserving the only botanical specimens left from Earth under huge geodesic domes. When he receives orders to destroy the project and return home, he rebels and hijacks the space craft, killing his fellow crewman and injuring himself. He plunges the ship into the gaseous Rings of Saturn, where he embarks on the loneliest...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Universal 2002

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Summary: FILM IS DEAD! The mantra that accompanied the dawn of the digital projection age. But was it really true? Now ten years on from that momentous transition, journey to find out what has really happened to film.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2024

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