Levi, Lia
Summary: "1938, Italy. Six-year-old Lia loves to build sandcastles at the beach and her biggest problem is her shyness and quiet, birdlike voice -- until prime minister Mussolini joins forces with Hitler in World War II, and everything changes. Now there are laws saying Jewish children can't go to school, Jews can't work, or go on vacation. It's difficult for Lia to understand why this is happening to...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers 2022
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1 available in Juvenile Fiction, Call number: J FIC LEVCopies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Juvenile, Call number: JB LEVI LEVCopies Available at East Bay
1 available in Beginning Readers - Independent Reader (Red), Call number: JBR RED LEVCopies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Beginning Readers - Independent Reader (Red), Call number: JBR RED LEVCopies Available at Interlochen
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Summary: "Meet 50 super-inspiring kids! It's never too early--and you're never too young-- to make a difference in the world! The amazing musicians, writers, scientists, athletes, activists, and other fascinating kids in this book accomplished great feats by the age of eighteen. They impacted people's lives by coming up with new inventions, making art and music, competing in sports, and speaking out...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Sterling Children's Books 2018
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Place a hold to request this item.Swaby, Rachel
Summary: Aspiring scientists, young history enthusiasts, and children who enjoy learning about the world will be fascinated by these riveting snapshots--and parents who enjoyed the film Hidden Figures will find this to be the perfect extension. Covering important advancements made by women in fields such as biology, medicine, astronomy, and technology, author Rachel Swaby explains that people aren't...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Yearling Books 2017