Summary: Emre, a young and dedicated prosecutor, is newly appointed to a small town hit by a water crisis and political scandals. After an initial welcome, he experiences an increasing number of tense interactions and is reluctantly dragged into local politics. When Emre forms a bond with the owner of the local newspaper pressure escalates under heated rumors.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024
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Contents: Right now (na na na) -- Beautiful (feat. Colby O'Donis and Kardinal Offishall) -- Keep you much longer -- Trouble maker (feat. Sweet Rush) -- We don't care -- I'm so paid (feat. Lil Wayne and Young Jeezy) -- Holla holla (feat. T-Pain) -- Against the grain (feat. Ray Lavender) -- Be with you -- Sunny day (feat. Wyclef) -- Birthmark -- Over the edge -- Freedom.
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: Universal Motown Records 2008