
Spencer, Andrea.

Summary: Instructions for such projects as a string-and-driftwood chair, a distressed louvered door, and a shell-encrusted mirror.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Lorenz Books 1997

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Lea, Robyn.

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Summary: "See how the world's most exciting fashion designers live, inside spaces by turns stimulating and serene, which serve as both haven and muse. In this lush, illustrated book for lovers of fashion and interior design, bestselling photographer and author Robyn Lea opens the door to the private spaces where some of the world's top fashion designers live their best creative lives. At-home...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Thames and Hudson 2024

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Lawrence, Robyn Griggs.

Summary: Wabi-sabi is an ancient Japanese philosophy that focuses on appreciating the simple and letting go of the superficial. This book provides a history of the practice and detailed and illustrated guidelines on how to introduce wabi-sabi into your home.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: New Society Publishers 2011

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