Chatham County Line (Musical group)
Contents: Right on time (4:19) -- Magic (4:30) -- Way down yonder (3:36) -- Heaven (3:26) -- Lone Ranger (3:51) -- B S R (3:57) -- Under the willow tree (3:10) -- She's got you (4:04) -- Stone (4:03) -- Summerline (3:18).
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Four decades ago, legions of young people trekked to San Francisco and its famed Haight Asbury district, the epicenter for the youth-driven counterculture revolution that was transforming American culture. They came for peace, politics, community, love...and they came for the music, the most enduring legacy of that very special place and time. It has proven to be the element that really tells...
Format: sound recording-musical
Publisher / Publication Date: Rhino 2007