Beartrack-Algeo, Alfreda
Summary: It’s 1929 and times are hard for Alfred’s Lakota family on the Dakota prairie. Alfred knows his grandfather could use a new tractor, so with the help of his friends and the roan stallion, he makes plans to win the prize money at the annual White River Relay Race. But time is short, as the race is just weeks away.Unaware of the dangers that lie ahead, Alfred prepares to train the horse. Even...
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Publisher / Publication Date: 7th Generation 2023
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1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC BEABeartrack-Algeo, Alfreda
Summary: "The Land Grab is the story of Alfred Swallow and his Lower Brule Lakota family as they fend off attempts to take their land. In 1929 Alfred is eleven years old and has many responsibilities not expected of a young boy. He and his Lakota family are being forced to leave behind their tribal values and traditions and assimilate into mainstream of American culture and society. His grandfather has...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 7th Generation 2022
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Place a hold to request this item.Beartrack-Algeo, Alfreda
Summary: "To fulfill the government's policy to "destroy the Indian and save the man," Alfred Swallow and his friends Orson and Junior are forced to leave their families and homes to attend a residential mission school. The students' beautiful long hair is cut, and they are forbidden to speak their native language. Even the slightest infraction is severely punished. At the height of hopelessness, Alfred...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 7th Generation 2024