
Cutler, Ellen W.

Summary: Offering a holistic program that can permanently cure food and environmental sensitivities, this revolutionary guide is a breath of fresh air for sufferers of asthma and allergies. Dr. Ellen W. Cutler introduces a self-treatment system known as Bioenergetic Sensitivity and Enzyme Therapy (BioSET), comprised of enzyme therapy, detoxification, and use of a specially developed acupressure...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Celestial Arts 2007

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Stacks, Call number: 616.2 CUT

Mindell, Earl

Summary: "When most people have allergies, they know it. Symptoms come quickly and can range from mild reactions like sneezing and itching to severe, often debilitating effects like anaphylaxis. Millions of others, however, suffer from allergies and don't even know it. Allergies and intolerances are often the hidden culprits that lie at the heart of a number of health conditions. If you are an allergy...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Square One Publishers 2016

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 616.97 MIN

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