
Summary: Scientists expect the island nation of Tuvalu to disappear into the sea during the next few decades. If that is true, what will become of the country's citizens and its unique South Pacific culture? Should the traumatic task of evacuation begin now, and if so, to where and under what circumstances? This program grapples with those questions by interviewing key figures in Tuvalu's government and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Participants in the global cap-and-trade system range from well-intentioned business leaders to rogue peddlers hoping for a quick and unprincipled killing. As for detractors, the carbon credit industry has no shortage, especially in the environmentalist movement. This film sifts through the many-sided controversy as it plays out in the West and in the developing world. Dedicated eco-watchdogs...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: Over two decades ago, the original version of this program depicted the effects of wind, waves, and tides on the coastline of southeastern Massachusetts. Revised and updated for the 21st century, this edition takes a new look at the problem of erosion along America's shores, emphasizing the impact of climate change and sea level rise on our coasts. Continuing its case study of Cape Cod and the...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Among the largest, most pristine areas of tropical woodland on the planet, the Congo Basin forests could easily fall prey to shortsighted and exploitative commercial interests. This program looks at sustainable lumber production initiatives taking root in the region, with a focus on cutting-edge forestry management as well as economic growth through increased cooperation between local...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: According to Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at London's City University, future wars may be fought specifically over agricultural resources. Given the present volatility of food prices and the riots they provoked in 2008, his theory seems to be on the mark. This program assesses the potential for a global food crisis as it guides viewers through issues involving climate change, oil...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: In 1970, the paper industry set its sights on the lush forests of Tasmania-beginning what environmentalists call a chain saw massacre that still cuts down 8 million cubic meters of timber each year. This program documents the ongoing fight to save the coveted woodlands, championed by a diverse group of activists. Viewers learn about early on-site protests that met with violence and abuse, as...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: As fresh water sources dwindle in the arid American Southwest, California faces growing difficulty in managing and sustaining its irrigation infrastructure. This program analyzes the multifaceted problem, sifting through environmental and political factors and assessing a number of potential solutions. Beginning its fact-finding tour at the Water Education Foundation in Sacramento, the film...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Can sustainability be applied to any design work, whether it's jewelry or architecture? What exactly does it mean to take a sustainable approach to design? This program examines the art of conceiving and creating physical products according to ecologically sound principles. Viewers learn the importance of, and the basic working framework for, design work that utilizes renewable resources, makes...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: A city shouldn't be a problem, says Jaime Lerner, the former mayor of Curitiba. "It should be a solution." This program explores innovative planning, engineering, and conservation at work in the Brazilian metropolis as it transcends many of the problems plaguing other South American cities. The film spotlights fully modernized public transportation and recycling systems, a "Citizenship Street"...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: The fictional locale known as Eagle Bay is breathtakingly beautiful. First home to a handful of modest houses, over the decades it has transitioned into a neighborhood of stately mansions-except for one 50-acre parcel, whose owners now want to sell it for subdivision. This Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller explores the complexities that arise when a family's...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Year by year the tourist trade has dwindled in fictional Pingwah Falls, leaving the town practically bankrupt. When a plan was unveiled for a modern resort, everyone's hopes rose.until they learned the land is home to a threatened species of bird. In this Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller, panelists including former county supervisor Tom Mullen; Christopher...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: Thirst, starvation, claustrophobia-all three await the whole of humanity, if global population and consumption rates continue unchanged. This program explores the looming crisis in practical terms, measuring as accurately as possible our planet's capacity for human habitation. Host Sir David Attenborough guides viewers through the core problems of water scarcity, shortsighted agricultural...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: Some experts believe that up to 25 percent of the world's electricity could eventually be generated by wind power. This program presents the viewpoints of wind energy's supporters and opponents, and explains recent developments in wind power technology. Challengers to the proliferation of wind farms, including conservationists and citizens' groups, argue that wind turbines destroy the landscape...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: The Karuk, Yurok, and Hoopa peoples live along northern California's Klamath River, and each tribe's ancient culture revolves around the majestic Pacific salmon. Today, four large hydroelectric dams have made salmon extinction a real and frightening possibility. This case study follows tribal members as they confront the owners of the dams-specifically, a global energy giant in Scotland which...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

Summary: The history of Western architecture can be viewed as a battle-namely, humanity vs. nature. But the green revolution has prompted new forms of building design that welcome in the natural world. This program surveys some of those advances and the architectural pioneers who create and implement them. Celebrated architect William McDonough explains his working methods and outlines designs for major...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: Were it not for the elemental forces of the Nile River, the great architecture of ancient Egypt and Ethiopia might never have been built. But in today's water-starved world, the river could lead both countries down a destructive path. This program examines lives and livelihoods that depend on the Nile, from the humble to the hugely ambitious. In Egypt, viewers encounter a struggling Cairo...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge-also known as ANWR or the "Alaskan Serengeti"-is a vast wilderness near the top of the world. From here, thousands of caribou begin a pilgrimage to the ocean every summer, and for that reason alone the place is a national treasure. This program examines another treasure hidden beneath ANWR's coastal plain: oil. Since oil virtually runs the planet and is used...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: Stretching over 4,000 miles across South America, the Amazon River has long defied human efforts to tame it. Not a single bridge crosses it, and not one dam halts its flow. This program visits urban centers on the banks of the Amazon and examines new attempts to harness-or exploit-the river's energy and natural abundance. The journey begins at Iquitos-a Peruvian city blighted by poverty and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Among the most utilized waterways in the world, the Yangtze River is also one of the most volatile. This program sheds light on humanity's battle to tame and profit from the river-specifically, a project initiated by Chiang Kai-shek in the 1930s. The program also studies corresponding ecological problems. Viewers are introduced to the Three Gorges Dam, a concrete mega-structure visible from...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Rising from a Himalayan ice cave and emptying into the bay of Bengal, the Ganges River is sacred to Hindus as a purifying spirit-yet it currently suffers from pollution and neglect. This program follows the Ganges through various Indian cities, studying their relationship with the river and assessing its uncertain future. Beginning in Gangotri, the program profiles a photographer who has...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: If global warming cycles are natural phenomena, why should humans alter their consumption habits and behavior? Have we really accelerated climate change? This program studies the causes of ozone depletion and the buildup of greenhouse gases-examining both sides of the highly politicized issue while making the case that current warming trends are in fact human-caused. Outlining the importance of...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Illegal deforestation, slash-and-burn practices, poverty, land disputes-these are among the many problems associated with farming in Madagascar. This program guides viewers through the real-world challenges of building sustainable agriculture in the country. Outlining reasons why many growers are unable or unwilling to leave outmoded techniques behind, the film visits community offices that...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: Almost half the world gets its drinking water from rivers that cross national boundaries. Analysts predict that more wars will be fought over water than oil. This program surveys a number of active or potential hot spots: Israel and the river Jordan; the Southeastern Anatolia Project in Turkey and its effects on Syria and Iraq; Egypt's Toshka Canal and the Nile Basin Initiative; and the Tehri...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

View online at AVOD

Summary: Rich in history, the Rhine feeds Europe's collective identity-as well as its divisions. Flowing from Switzerland through Austria, Germany, France, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, the river intersects a multitude of towns and cities in the process. This program follows the Rhine on its multifaceted journey and examines economic, political, environmental, and historical issues surrounding it....

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

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