
Stewart, James B

Summary: There are questions that the Mueller report couldn't -- or wouldn't -- answer. What instigated the Russia investigation? Did President Trump's meddling incriminate him? There's no mystery to what Trump thinks. He claims that the Deep State, a cabal of career bureaucrats, is concerned only with protecting its own power and undermining the democratic process. Conversely, James Comey has defended...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Penguin Press 2019

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 363.25 STE

Stewart, James B.

Summary: "Young, blond, handsome Dr. Swango seemed a godsend wherever he was hired to practice medicine. But acclaim would turn to disbelief, dismay, then horror, as the evidence mounted that he could actually be murdering his patients. Then Dr. Michael Swango would leave that hospital - only to be rehired at another. Today the FBI believes that Swango may he the most prolific serial killer in American...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Simon & Schuster 1999

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 364.1523 STE

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