
Summary: Categorizing others is a part of human nature, and even as infants we divide the world into two groups-male and female-to help organize our reality. But when these stereotypes are used to make assumptions about a person's character and value, they become gender bias or outright sexism. This program illustrates some of the commercial, cultural, psychological, and sociological forces that have...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: Fashion show runways, photo shoots, the playgrounds of the chic and stylish: this program illustrates the cycles of women's couture through the '50s, '60s, and '70s-and the portrayal of women in the media as they progressed through the postwar decade, the civil rights movement, Beatlemania, the Vietnam War, and the era of women's lib. Plenty of designer names are dropped, both from then and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: When it comes to corner office clout, women overall have not succeeded in the workplace to the degree that men generally have. In an effort to come to grips with that assessment, this program refuses to shy away from the hard questions as it sheds light on what is seen less as a glass ceiling and more as a glass maze. The central issue is whether, practically speaking, women can, should, or...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: Over 100 million children worldwide have never spent a day in school. One in four does not complete even five years of basic education. Now, 182 nations have promised to provide access to free and compulsory education for every child in the world-by 2015. To test the reality of that sweeping commitment, this Wide Angle installment profiles children in Japan, Kenya, Benin, Brazil, Romania,...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: The 2009 installment in Wide Angle's Time for School series reenters the lives of seven students in seven different countries, offering a glimpse of the worldwide battle to get what most American children take for granted: a basic education. These riveting case studies in India, Afghanistan, Kenya, Benin, Brazil, Japan, and Romania feature young teenagers embracing academic challenges that...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: In 2003, the Wide Angle program Time for School profiled children in seven countries-Afghanistan, Benin, Brazil, India, Japan, Kenya, and Romania-as they started their first year of school, often in the face of great adversity. Three years later this Wide Angle episode returns to visit each child, updating the progress of their educational and personal development. The similarities and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: In terms of lifetime earning power, most women earn far less than their male colleagues do. What lies at the root of the pay gap? The answer is neither simple nor definitive, as this program reveals. Research leads hosts Sophie Raworth and Justin Rowlatt—each a parent with young daughters—on a not-so-merry chase to see what the future may hold for their children. Stops along the way include a...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: Some Asian traditions hold that sex with a virgin will bring a man good luck and health. Tragically, the custom is far from moribund-in the dark world of Southeast Asian prostitution there is a growing demand for younger and younger companions. This program reveals the disturbing inner workings of Cambodia's child-sex industry as well as its manifold human consequences. Viewers meet teenage...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: With the glass ceiling still firmly in place in many companies, women are starting their own businesses in increasing numbers. This program focuses on that dramatic trend, studying differences between male and female entrepreneurs and examining the impact of women-owned businesses on society and the global economy. Sharon Hadary, executive director of the Center for Women's Business Research,...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: Warren Farrell protested alongside Gloria Steinem in support of women's rights and was even elected to the board of NOW-three times. But Farrell is also the author of Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap-and What Women Can Do About It. In this brief ABC News segment, John Stossel considers the opposing views of Farrell and Martha Burk, chair of the NCWO and author of Cult...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: More than ever before, Americans are being bombarded-and acculturated-by the media, and only discerning individuals will recognize the sexual biases that all too often are a part of each day's worth of information and entertainment. This program focuses on identifying and looking beyond categorical stereotypes of women, men, gays, and lesbians.

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: In 2002, the Norwegian government mandated that public companies must make their boardrooms 40 percent female-and the results have been nothing short of astonishing. With a spotlight on landmark legislation in Europe and unequivocal statistics from both sides of the Atlantic, this program demonstrates that gender diversity in the boardroom is beneficial to the bottom line. Concerns over...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010

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Summary: Due to a traditional preference for male offspring, rural China now suffers from a shortage of women - and, in turn, an increase in kidnapping and human trafficking. This documentary follows a determined Chinese investigator as he attempts to locate and free a young trafficking victim. In the process, viewers learn about the problem of human trafficking and its mechanisms, which feed brothels...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008

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Summary: An excellent sociological case study, this ABC News program examines the plight of Michael Shackelford, a 17-year-old homosexual struggling for acceptance in small-town Oklahoma. The video outlines the development of Shackelford's situation: his early awareness of his sexual orientation, his inability to conform and placate his mother, the attention he receives in a Washington Post article, and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Geoffrey and Mark and Lisa and Allison are a pair of gay couples who are co-parenting biological children they conceived together. In this program, the four discuss when they first discovered they are gay; how they met their partners; major issues they have faced as gay couples; their children, ages 2 and 4, and the co-parenting experience; and what it means to them all to be a family. In...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Men and women of marriageable age are staying single in record numbers. The traditional family is fast becoming an anachronism. Could the 21st century be the era when the sexes go their separate ways? Through a series of filmed portraits and candid, often gritty interviews, this program looks at changing contemporary gender relations and expectations, exploring how men and women feel about...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Ads targeting girls between the ages of 8 and 12 employ an increasing level of sexuality. Are advertisers responding to neo-feminist notions of "girl power" or are they leading girls toward harmful self-images? This program examines the trend by following a group of tween girls through their daily lives, recording their perceptions of fashion, celebrities, boys, and themselves. Interviews with...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: As controversy swirls around the issue of same-sex marriage, gay and lesbian couples in North America and abroad are speaking out for the right to marry. Filmed in British Columbia after the legalization of same-sex unions, this program introduces the victorious litigants, who share their views on marriage, religious and political opposition, child adoption, and, most of all, love. Interviews...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Opponents of gay marriage call it an attempt to obtain preferential treatment in the eyes of the law. Supporters see it as an opportunity to abolish the inherent discrimination against same-sex couples that exists in a non-inclusive legal definition of marriage. This ABC News program uses the landmark Lawrence v. Texas case and the legalization of gay marriage in Canada to shed light on the...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2011

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Summary: Men don't listen. Women can't read maps. Men snore more. Women are less likely to have affairs. Should those statements be dismissed as stereotypes, or can we point to tangible discrepancies-behaviorally and neurologically speaking-along gender lines? This ABC News program explores sex differences and the brain circuitry behind them. Presenting an interview with Dr. Louann Brizendine, author of...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: Award-winning director Lance Tracy balances serious science with tongue-in-cheek humor to create a documentary scrutinizing the scope and effects of pornography that is informative, compelling, and unsettling. Constructing an experiment to identify attitudinal and behavioral changes that manifest as a result of viewing porn—a study in the manner of the Annenberg School of Communications and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: Instinctively, we say there are two sexes. But does this always reflect reality? In this program, Dr. Stephen Whittle argues that it does not. Whittle further contends that society must recognize transsexuals, like himself, and others, like Arthur and Del, who are hermaphrodites-sexual hybrids. Arthur has male and female attributes and wants to keep them in the interest of maintaining his...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: From childhood on, biological and social factors combine to shape an individual's sexual identity. In this program, Ruben Gur, Professor of Neuropsychology at the University of Pennsylvania; sociologist Rhoda Reddock, of the University of the West Indies; philosopher Elisabeth Badinter; historians Arlette Farge and Jennifer Stoddart; and others evaluate gender-related behavioral models from a...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: The gay, bisexual, and transgender community still struggles to find its place among the rich traditions of Latino culture. This extended documentary examines the lives of seven Latino GBT men and women, offering profound insights into their relationships with family and loved ones while exploring their sexuality in the contexts of culture, religion, and work. This version offers more in-depth...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

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