
Summary: America's healthcare system frequently leaves patients feeling shortchanged, while physicians are forced to overdose on paperwork and managed care companies are helpless to cap their soaring costs. What is the future of this system, as the tidal wave of Baby Boomers surges toward retirement? This program analyzes the symptoms of America's healthcare ills and suggests a prescription for...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Is the war on drugs in the U.S. causing greater societal harm than the problem of drug abuse itself? This provocative program features interviews with Bruce Benson and David Rasmussen, co-authors of Illicit Drugs and Crime; Eric Sterling, former Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee; Joanne Page, director of the Fortune Society; and others. Together they indict flawed initiatives that have...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: America's managed care system was designed to provide coordinated preventive and long-term healthcare better than individual doctors could in yesterday's fragmented fee-for-service system. Have HMOs lived up to that promise? In this program, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith investigates Kaiser Permanente-the largest nonprofit HMO in the U.S.-and its social mission of lifetime...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: What is the most costly element of America's trillion-dollar healthcare system? Surprisingly, experts believe it is the medical quality gap and medical errors, which they estimate take more than 90,000 lives each year. In this program, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith examines New York's tough performance reports on doctors and hospitals doing open-heart surgery; profiles a...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: Who is to blame for America's healthcare mess, and how can we fix it? In this ABC News program, John Stossel examines the insurance industry, the need for competition among care providers, and the possibility of combining lower costs with better medicine. Arguing against Michael Moore's documentary Sicko, which advocates government-funded healthcare, Stossel interviews Harvard Business School...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Currently, three-quarters of all U.S. healthcare dollars are spent on 100 million people with chronic illnesses and conditions. Will a cost-conscious healthcare system, increasingly driven by the market and oriented toward acute care, give them the proper care? This program examines how the chronically ill are faring today in seeking the high-quality, long-term care they need. Special reports...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: Corporate cost-cutting, downsizing, temporary employment, and other business imperatives are making today's pricey health insurance either unavailable or unaffordable for 44 million Americans-of which 85 percent are in working families. With employers cutting back on offering insurance and with shrinking access to charity care as hospitals face their own funding shortfalls, where can America's...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: During the 1980s, a new civil rights movement got underway-for people with disabilities. In this program, Larry Paradis, executive director of Disability Rights Advocates, speaks with NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels about the importance of litigation in pressuring companies and communities to comply with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. But are such legal actions actually...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: Why have America's health care costs skyrocketed? In this NBC News program, Tom Brokaw follows several cases at Staten Island University Hospital as he explores reasons behind financial turmoil in the U.S. health-care system. Among the patients: a 24-year-old man with no insurance who lost both legs in the Staten Island Ferry accident of October 2003. Another victim: a 62-year-old woman with a...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008

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Summary: The year is 2015. A coalition of European countries has decriminalized most stimulants, narcotics, and hallucinogens. But has legalization made drug use-or the streets of London-any safer? This program depicts a future in which police officers, Big Pharma executives, and recreational drug consumers would, depending on one's perspective, either reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of a...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: Do American schools adequately prepare students to take part in society? Can a complacent, ill-informed public trace its problems back to the nation's classrooms? This program examines the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on the ability of public education to involve students in civic and governmental processes. Filmed in economically and culturally diverse schools, the program includes...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008

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Summary: One of the most dreaded weapons in the terrorist's arsenal can be delivered in a paper envelope. Vividly exploring situations that public officials, health care workers, and law enforcement personnel would have to confront in the event of a biological attack, a panel of experts wrestles with questions that have gone largely unanswered in the public record: Who among America's leadership is in...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: Pro-life advocates have waged a successful campaign to reduce abortions throughout the country, using state laws to regulate and limit the procedure and creating clinics offering alternatives. This Frontline documentary investigates the steady decline in the number of physicians and facilities carrying out abortions and focuses on local political battles in the states-particularly Mississippi,...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Each year, more than one million people try to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, contending with dangerous forces that prey on their hopes and exploit their gullibility. This program exposes the most painful, disturbing, and hidden dimension of illegal immigration: the growing black market trade in human beings. Shedding light on the poverty that causes so many to risk everything by leaving their...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008

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Summary: The fictional locale known as Eagle Bay is breathtakingly beautiful. First home to a handful of modest houses, over the decades it has transitioned into a neighborhood of stately mansions-except for one 50-acre parcel, whose owners now want to sell it for subdivision. This Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller explores the complexities that arise when a family's...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: On Wall Street, private equity firms are buying up corporations and turning them around for huge profits-while America's economic disparities widen. Bill Moyers talks with maverick labor leader Andrew Stern, president of the rapidly growing Service Employees International Union, about the looming gap between working families and the wealthiest Americans. Also on the program: Writer, activist,...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2007

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Summary: In this ABC News program, John Stossel sheds light on troubling issues involving sexual behavior and criminal justice. Case studies include the story of 18-year-old Jon, who spent a year in jail after having sex with a 14-year-old girl-although her father later regretted pressing charges and tried to have Jon removed from Florida's sex offender registry. Other reports concern an alleged sex...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Produced in Oahu, Hawaii, during the 2008 Blue Planet Energy Summit, this Fred Friendly Seminar features a panel of high-profile environmental and political leaders tasked with envisioning America's energy future. Broadcast journalist Frank Sesno, assuming the top post in a hypothetical presidential administration, challenges each "cabinet member" to contribute to a strategy that will end...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

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Summary: Do Americans still hold certain truths to be self-evident? Do all human beings possess inalienable rights endowed by their creator? Are all lives of equal value? And if so, how do those core beliefs translate into public policy on issues such as healthcare, poverty, abortion, capital punishment, and euthanasia? This program explores what the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin called a "consistent...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Can America rise to the challenge posed by its economic competitors in Europe and the Pacific Rim? Fresh from NAFTA and GATT victories, President Clinton shares his vision for re-engineering America's industrial and trade policies, education strategy, and tax and fiscal incentives in this incisive interview with Hedrick Smith.

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: According to the Bush Administration, the war on terror requires new tactics and new thinking-including departure from the Geneva Conventions when deemed necessary. Guantanamo shows how that policy is implemented at Camp Delta, how it is vigorously defended in the name of national security, and how it is contested just as passionately on behalf of personal freedom and human rights. Reporter...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

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Summary: It began with flu-like symptoms, but within a few days progressed in severity until patients began dying in droves. Emergency rooms were overrun, and hysteria had enveloped the metropolis. What was the cause of the ghastly plague? In this program-part one of a hypothetical scenario-ABC News anchor Ted Koppel delivers three successive reports, tracking the advance of a fictional biological...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008

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Summary: One government service after another has been turned over to private business for a profit. In this program, Bill Moyers Journal and Expose: America's Investigative Reports examine a whistleblower's tale of military housing contracts gone awry as Seattle Post-Intelligencer reporter Eric Nalder reveals what happens when one private contractor drops the ball. In addition, Bill Moyers talks with...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

Summary: Can the U.S. afford to reform its healthcare system? Can it afford not to, with 46 million Americans lacking health insurance and millions more underinsured? This Fred Friendly Seminar explores the dilemmas and urgently needed policy decisions surrounding what has become, literally, a life-or-death issue. NYU law professor Arthur Miller guides a team of high-profile panelists through a series...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

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