
Summary: The kitchen is a warm and welcoming place, but there are dangers. Make your students aware of them with this video. Using examples and what-if situations, it explains how to safely use and store knives; how to operate small appliances and the stove without accidents; how to prevent bruises, shocks, and burns; and how to put out a fire (and when to simply evacuate and call 911!) The first step...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

View online at AVOD

Summary: Can defrosted leftovers be refrozen? What is trichinosis? And if a pan catches fire, what is the best way to put it out? This concise program explains the importance of proper food handling, storage, and cooking in order to prevent spoilage, waste, and potential food poisoning. Good kitchen safety habits are detailed as well, which can help in avoiding common accidents.

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

View online at AVOD

Summary: The simple fact is most food-borne illnesses can be avoided by applying common sense at every meal and snack break. This video illustrates how to shop for the freshest foods, store them wisely, and prepare them correctly. Topics include signs of freshness and contamination; proper storage in the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry; ways to safely thaw frozen foods; how to avoid...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

View online at AVOD

Summary: What's the best way to avoid salmonella, E. coli, and other dangerous food-borne bugs? Information! Use this fact-filled video to show your students how to buy, store, and prepare delicious food with their health-and the health of anyone who eats with them-firmly in mind. At the supermarket, in the kitchen, and at the dinner table, knowledge is the key to safety.

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

View online at AVOD

Summary: The U.S. government has given its stamp of approval to irradiation as a way of killing food-borne bacteria, germs, and parasites. If irradiated food is considered safe enough to give to immune-compromised patients in hospitals and astronauts in space, why is the practice of food irradiation so controversial? This program offers a balanced look at this important method of food purification as it...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

View online at AVOD

Summary: Around 76 million cases of food-borne illness occur each year in the U.S., causing thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations. This program compares and contrasts our old enemies campylobacter, salmonella, E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, calicivirus, and Hepatitis A, which, thanks to “improved” methods of food processing, have become a renewed health threat. The program...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

View online at AVOD

Summary: Although the culprit behind food poisoning is often invisible to the eye, food-borne illnesses represent a colossal health issue spanning a wide range of problems and solutions. This program explores the causes of food contamination, the symptoms and ailments it produces, and the methods for preventing it. Viewers are introduced to bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and yeasts that threaten...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

Summary: Without preservatives, bread would get moldy in a day or two, salad oil would turn rancid, and other foods would quickly spoil on grocery store shelves. However, as the use of preservatives and color- and flavor-enhancing additives has increased, consumers have grown concerned about the safety and long-term effects of these additives. This program explains how preservatives, antioxidants,...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

View online at AVOD

Summary: Safety and sanitation in the kitchen are areas of vital importance and must be strictly maintained in order to save yourself and your family from dangerous accidents and potentially fatal illnesses. This thorough program covers all the basics of keeping a safe and sanitary kitchen, and is divided into the following topics: burns and scalds; cuts and wounds; slips and falls; kitchen sanitation;...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

View online at AVOD

Summary: No one wants a burger with a side of salmonella or a taco topped with E. coli, but that's what you can get when food isn't prepared correctly. This video describes common-and serious-food-borne illnesses, how they're spread, and how they can be prevented through careful food handling and proper food preparation. Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, and shigella are discussed,...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

View online at AVOD

Summary: Bold claims about the curative powers of "superfoods" and other trendy products represent a daunting challenge for today's consumer. How reliable are these assertions? What happens when a no-nonsense medical doctor applies rigorous scientific testing to the health hype on product labels? This program takes viewers on an eye-opening journey led by Dr. Lesley Regan, a veteran physician and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

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