
Summary: An atmospheric physicist and a leading expert on global warming, Sir John Houghton speaks as a scientist and evangelical Christian. The author of Does God Play Dice? A Look at the Story of the Universe and The Search for God: Can Science Help? talks with Bill Moyers, explaining his belief that science and religion, rather than dividing society, can both work towards improving the human condition.

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

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Summary: Is the new genetics running ahead of society's ability to supervise it, or does genetic science bring huge benefits that humanity should willingly embrace? In this thought-provoking program, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams asserts the need for religious belief in the modern world to Sir John Sulston, Nobel Prize winner and the guiding spirit behind the Human Genome Project, and to...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

View online at AVOD

Summary: Will human cloning provide a panacea for ailments and diseases or usher in a nightmarish world of eugenics and designer people? This program presents an in-depth exploration of the ethical concerns regarding human cloning, a technology that has already prompted heated debate over its potential uses and abuses. A variety of perspectives are canvassed from the theological, legal, and scientific...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

View online at AVOD

Summary: Twenty years after the discovery of DNA's structure, another revolution swept biology when scientists began learning how to manipulate genes outright. The controversy continues. This program tells the story of genetic engineering's pioneers, focusing on the race to synthesize insulin and the development of genetically modified crops. Spectacular computer animations of molecular processes are...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005

View online at AVOD

Summary: Revolted by quantum theory, Einstein spent his final decades trying to create an all-encompassing mathematical model of the universe in which God indeed does not play dice. In this program, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku and experts from Cambridge, MIT, and elsewhere discuss Einstein's revolutionary time/space theories of 1905, the ascendancy of quantum mechanics and string theory, and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006

View online at AVOD

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