3D Printing Pen

1 hold on 1 copy

three dimensional object 3D Printing Pen

1 hold on 1 copy

Cut back on children's screen time with 3Doodler Start+ and let them enjoy hours of play andlearning as they make real-world connections to a variety of STEM concepts in a matter ofseconds. Designed with no hot parts, the pen is completely safe fo... Read more

1 3D printing pen -- 1 USB-A to USB-C cable -- 1 USB wall charger -- plastic filaments

three dimensional object
1 3D printing pen, 1 USB-A to USB-C cable, 1 USB wall charger, plastic filaments : color, illustrations, plastic ; in box 
WobbleWorks, Inc

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Woodmere (Main Branch) 3D Printing Pen in Sight and Sound Equipment Reshelving

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