HBCU made : a celebration of the black college experience

text HBCU made : a celebration of the black college experience

In this joyous collection of essays about historically Black colleges and universities, alumni both famous and up-and-coming write testimonials about the schools and experiences that shaped their lives and made them who they are today. Edited by t... Read more
Introduction: finding my voice at the Mecca / Ayesha Rascoe -- The black woman and her black-owned songs / Honoree Fanonne Jeffers -- Kid in a winkled-ass suit / Roy Wood Jr. -- The renewing power of HBCUs / Stacey Abrams -- I love my HIU / Lauren... Read more
xxv, 198 pages ; 22 cm
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill 2024

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Woodmere (Main Branch) 378.1 HBC in Adult Non-fiction Reshelving

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