The Old Gays guide to the good life : lessons learned about love and death, sex and sin, and saving the best for last

text The Old Gays guide to the good life : lessons learned about love and death, sex and sin, and saving the best for last

Ranging in age from 67 to 80, Mick, Jessay, Robert, and Bill are survivors whose lives have been transformed by sweeping cultural change. It was their generation that was devastated by AIDS, a health crisis that deprived us of so many brilliant, c... Read more
Preface, or, How the old gays became the Old Gays -- Hi, gays! Prologue: growing up ; The blue: Robert ; The bon vivant: Bill ; The peaceful one: Jessay ; The wild one: Mick -- Life lessons learned along the way. Coming out ; Old flamers ; Gay lib... Read more
xi, 242 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (chiefly color), photographs (chiefly color) ; 24 cm
HarperWave, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers 2023

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