text The new fight for life : roe, race, and a pro-life commitment to justice
- Summary
- "The battle over the constitutionality of Roe v. Wade may be over, but now a bigger fight lies ahead. For over half a century, pro-life advocates have fought to protect the sanctity of human life. Now that the decision the pro-life community has b... Read more
- Format
- text
- Description
- xxi, 217 pages ; 22 cm
- Publisher
- Tyndale Momentum 2023
Library | Location | Status |
Woodmere (Main Branch) | 362.1988 WAT in Adult Non-fiction | Available |
Library | Location | Status |
TADL-WOOD | 362.1988 WAT in Adult Non-fiction | Available |
Available Copies
Library | Location | Status |
Woodmere (Main Branch) | 362.1988 WAT in Adult Non-fiction | Available |
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