The trials of Nina McCall : sex, surveillance, and the decades-long government plan to imprison "promiscuous" women

text The trials of Nina McCall : sex, surveillance, and the decades-long government plan to imprison "promiscuous" women

In 1918, shortly after her eighteenth birthday, Nina McCall was told to report to the local health officer to be examined for sexually transmitted infections. Confused and humiliated, Nina did as she was told, and the health officer performed a ha... Read more
Introduction : Young lady, do you mean to call me a liar? -- Willing to go to jail for such a cause -- Less fortunate sisters -- Waging war on the women -- Reaching the whole country -- It was too late -- Why should a woman be imprisoned for a dis... Read more
ix, 356 pages ; 24 cm
Beacon Press 2018

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Woodmere (Main Branch) 306.74 STE in Adult Non-fiction Reshelving

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