Sex and the city. the complete fourth season

moving image Sex and the city. the complete fourth season


Will acclaimed sex columnist Carrie get back together with Mr. Big or will she end up with Aidan? Will Charlotte and Trey be able to live happily ever after? Will Samantha and Miranda ever commit to anything that resembles a lasting relationship?

Disc 1: Ep. 1. The agony and the 'ex'-tacy -- Ep. 2. The real me -- Ep. 3. Defining moments -- Ep. 4. What's sex got to do with it? -- Ep. 5. Ghost town -- Ep. 6. Baby, talk is cheap. Disc 2: Episode 5. Ghost town / written by Allan Heinberg; dire... Read more
moving image
3 videodiscs (540 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in.
HBO Home Video 2003

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Woodmere (Main Branch) DVD TV SEX in Television Series DVDs Available

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