S.T.E.M. kit : Zoomy 2.0 handheld digital microscope
Checkout limit:
2 STEM kits per account

S.T.E.M. kit : Zoomy 2.0 handheld digital microscope

Checkout limit:
2 STEM kits per account

Amazing all-in-one digital microscope takes scientific inquiry to a new level—yet is easy for even a young child to use. Hold the hand-friendly scope over an object, turn the top to focus, then press the single control button to take videos or sti... Read more

1 blue microscope with USB cord -- 2 plastic lenses -- 1 software CD

1 microscope ; 2 lenses ; 1 cd + inventory sheet
Traverse Area District Library 0000

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Peninsula Community Library STEM KIT #20 ZOOMY 2.0 in STEM Kits Reshelving

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